Unleashing nature’s superpower

If you think “IT‘S TOO LATE” it’s because you haven’t been introduced to rewilding yet!

Environmental news is often negative, scary, and too complex to feel we can do anything about it. This leads us to lose hope, despair, and look away.

Rewilding changes everything

Rewilding is about restoring the web of life from cities to the wildest places on the planet, by taking the long-term view, and embracing natural solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges

Rewilding is a credible, practical, and cost-effective key solution for our times. Paradoxically, rewilding is both revolutionary and conservative, old and new, different and deeply familiar. And it’s simply the right thing to do because nature needs half of the planet wild to be able to thrive for itself and for us.

1 Solution Solving 3 Critical Environmental Issues

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Climate Change

The climate emergency is apparent everywhere – nearly everyone has been affected by storms, heat, drought, fire, and flood. We need FAST & EFFICIENT solutions.

By protecting and restoring the populations of only nine species groups by 2100, 95% of the 500 billion tons of CO2 required to be removed from the atmosphere could be met, which would help us to stay within the 1.5ºC temperature increase.

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Biodiversity Loss

Human-induced factors like habitat destruction, pollution, resource overuse, and the introduction of invasive species are causing a significant decline in biodiversity.

Rewilding makes ecosystems functional again. This transitions us from destruction, pollution and extinction to mass restoration, bringing back vital ecosystem services like clean water, air quality, and climate regulation.

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Eco-anxiety is on the rise worldwide, especially among young people! This form of stress triggered by environmental crises is affecting our health, behavior, and well-being.

Rewilding brings HOPE – an inspiring vision for a brighter future, addressing not only ecological challenges but also fostering mental and emotional resilience.

The climate solution that not enough people are talking about.

Positive News

Rewilding is
positive, proactive & ambitious for nature.

Rewilding is a dynamic conservation approach recovering the life-supporting functions of nature in connected land- and seascapes.

By reversing the decline in biodiversity and ecosystem functions, rewilding aims to create a resilient planet, offering hope and inspiration for a sustainable future.

Whale tail

The 4 Pillars of Rewilding

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Restoring Habitats

Aiming for whole healthy ecosystems, not just a few species

involving local people

Involving Local & Indigenous Peoples

Working hand-in-hand with people and respectfully learning from mistakes and knowledge of the past

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Intervening Only When Necessary

Nature recovers fast and self-regulates when we allow

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Reintroducing Species

Rebuilding ecological interactions and restoring the balance within ecosystems only when they would not manage it on their own

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Our approach is based on the Guiding Principles for Rewilding, outlined in our Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth.

The principles were developed by experts within the global conservation community when preparing for the 11th World Wilderness Congress, including the Wilderness Specialist Group (IUCN) and others.

They demonstrate that rewilding is best understood as a social/ecological movement for the benefit of all life on earth.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known

Carl Sagan – Cosmologist, Planetary Scientist, Author and Speaker



Rewilding is one of those discoveries that only come along rarely, offering a practical answer to so many of our challenges.