The Global Rewilding Alliance is constituted as a non-profit Association in Geneva, Switzerland, which we established in January 2023. The members of the Association are our three Board members:
Mark Halle
Mark is the co-founder of Better Nature and acts as a senior advisor at both the FC4S: Financial Centres for Sustainability and at Nature Finance. A former Director of the IUCN and Founder of the International Institute for Sustainable Development – Europe, Mark brings vast experience and a wide global network.
Carolina Morgado
Carolina is the Executive Director of Fundación Rewilding Chile, formerly Tompkins Conservation Chile. Carolina has been with the organisation for over 25 years, having worked with Douglas and Kristine Tompkins since they began conservation projects in Chilean Patagonia. Carolina led the process of the large land donation to the Chilean State for the creation of five National Parks and the extension of others, being the largest donation of its kind in the world. Recent projects include the creation of future terrestrial and marine protected areas along the Route of Parks of Patagonia, the consolidation of the Huemul National Corridor, and the monitoring programs of vulnerable species within national parks in collaboration with the National Park Service and the Wildlife and Livestock Agency, such as the huemul, puma, rhea, condor, and small cats, among others.
Frans Schepers
Frans is a co-founder and the Executive Director of Rewilding Europe. He started loving nature as a teenager, graduated in forestry, land– and water management and was responsible for the design of reshaping and ecological restoration of 50 km of the river Meuse on the border between Belgium and Netherlands. From 2000-2014 he worked at WWF Netherlands, rewilding large landscapes in Europe, Africa and Central Asia. As the Executive Director of Rewilding Europe since 2011, he is leading a team across Europe, with ten large landscapes becoming rewilding icons for Europe, where wild nature with abundant wildlife provide new socio-economic opportunities. Apart from demonstrating rewilding at landscape scale, his focus is also much on widespread adoption of rewilding, building and facilitating a European rewilding movement. Frans is a keen birdwatcher, has travelled numerous countries around the world and is still connected to Zambia, where he is a Trustee of the Zambian Carnivore Programme.