June 3, 4-5:30pm CEST / 10-11:30am EDT
Nature is a powerful ally for solving the climate emergency. Both nature and climate are the linked systems at the foundation of our biosphere. When we protect the most intact, wild places on Earth at the same time as rewilding the more degraded areas we make significant gains towards stabilising the climate emergency. Restoring the web of life, from urban landscapes to the wildest places on the planet, is one of the fastest, most efficient routes to the best climate results. By embracing natural solutions to environmental, social, and economic challenges and taking a “long view” of the global challenges we face, we move ever closer to a sustainable and just future.
In celebration of the Launch of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, the Global Rewilding Alliance is proud to present a conversation between globally renowned experts on the relationship between nature and climate, and the promise of rewilding as a method of solving the climate emergency. Panel speakers include the following distinguished guests:
- Karl Burkart, One Earth from One Earth and a presentation of global restoration targets for mitigating the climate crisis.
- Russell Mittermeier, Re:wild (formerly Global Wildlife Conservation) on how the protection of the richest and most endangered regions benefit the climate.
- Oswald J. Schmitz, Yale School of the Environment and Steven Lutz, UN Environment & GRID Arendal present the huge potential of restoring wild species on land and in the sea as a climate solution – ‘animating the carbon cycle’.
- Kristine Tompkins, Tompkins Conservation, and Henri Brocklebank, Sussex Wildlife Trust, will present “Rewilding: climate mitigation in action”.
- Melina Sakiyama, co-founder of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), will reflect on how the rewilding and climate movements could join forces.
Who we are
A worldwide movement involving over 125 member organisations and 3,500 NGO partners, dedicated to stabilising the climate emergency, halting extinction, and reducing the likelihood of new disease outbreaks by rewilding the Earth.
What we do & promote
- Initiate processes that aim to recover the natural beauty, diversity and resilience of earth securing that coming generations can enjoy the richness of Earth
- Restore the functionality of Earth’s ecosystems
- Restore Earth’s natural beauty
How we are going to do it
- Protecting intact ecosystems, restoring and rewilding degraded ones,
- Reanimating ecosystems and the carbon cycle
- Harness the power of people working together to restore and protect nature and stabilise our climate.
- Support our members in mainstreaming the rewilding idea, theory and practice.
- Work to ensure the idea and approach is included in global processes, agendas and institutions.
You can help