igniting change through
research & innovation –

As a scientist, you hold a unique and pivotal role in driving forward the rewilding and environmental movement.
You can contribute your expertise to lasting positive change through conducting your own research, working with us and our partners to create groundbreaking new insights on:
- How we can rewild effectively, efficiently and quickly
- How to address the challenges that arise
- The benefits of rewilding for people, climate and ecosystem services as well as wild nature
You can also join with us and other researchers, scientists and scientific advisors who are influencing policy nationally and globally.
Where we set out the scientific evidence that makes the case to make rewilding central in key policies.

The Global Rewilding Alliance commissions top-class science on the importance of rewilding.
Our research published in ‘Nature Climate Change’ is among the
top 5% most impactful scientific papers on Altmetric.
Altmetric measures the impact of scientific publications by tracking all the online attention to published research – policy documents, mainstream news outlets, social media, blogs, Wikipedia, online reference managers and more. See Almetric.com.
Dive into our rewilding research

Animating the Carbon Cycle
This 2022 report introduces the idea that rewilding animal species can play a central role in addressing the climate crisis by enabling whole ecosystems to draw down vast amounts of carbon. It’s an accessibly written, long version of the more scientific papers shared here. (See also this update about Animating the Carbon Cycle).

Scientific paper in Nature Climate Change, March 2023
This seminal paper draws together the evidence from subjects experts on the carbon impact of rewilding nine animal species to near historic levels. It’s already in the top 5% of academic papers on the Altmetric impact tool, showing the level of interest in this new idea.

Rewilding, a serious candidate for stabilising the global climate
An accessible briefing for busy people, summarising the main ideas of the longer papers shown opposite.

Nature Climate Change paper takes the world by storm: Impact report
This 2-page report summarises the impact of this seminal paper, showing how it has been published worldwide in 70+ outlets and translated into many languages.
The Global Rewliding Alliance is working with a variety of experts to systematically compile, review and share the evidence on the benefits of rewilding. The first results of this will be available in January 2024. Watch this space, sign up to receive updates, and connect with us on your preferred social-media platform, where we will share the news.
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