Become a partner

 of the Global Rewilding Alliance

Thank you for your dedication to rewilding the Earth.

As a rewilding organisation, your expertise and passion are invaluable assets that can shape the future of rewilding efforts globally.

Together, we can be a stronger collective force – we can learn more quickly, amplify our voices, create a stronger evidence base, advocate for supportive policies, and build partnerships.

You’re not alone anymore! Join us and let’s rewild the Earth together.


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Global Networking & Learning

Opportunities to connect with, learn from and support other rewilders like you, globally.

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Events Participation

Participating in events such as World Rewilding Day on March 20th each year and our growing series of webinars.

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Access to Tools & Resources

Such as the leading-edge science we are convening, and models for assessing the potential carbon capture of your projects.

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Leadership Support

Support for your leadership, overcoming the isolation that leadership sometimes involves.

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Funding Opportunities

We are exploring how to help rewilders around the world to gain access to funds that we can tap into at scale.

This is a FREE active partnership.
Together, we are building a global movement

Connect with rewilders around the world


Join The Global Rewilding Alliance, and be a part of something greater and wilder. A movement that transcends borders.