Animate the Carbon Cycle
Animate Carbon Cycle release 2 November final
The Global Rewilding Alliance (GRA) is facilitating a high-level group of 60 scientists, economists, and civil society organisations to launch an initiative that, by 2023, will demonstrate the direct impact of nature solutions on solving the climate emergency. Read the full press release here.
“Animate the Carbon Cycle: Supercharging ecosystem carbon sinks to meet the 1.5 degrees C target” is a collaborative research and demonstration project that will confirm the massive positive and highly-undervalued impact that intact and functional nature has on stabilising the climate, and humanity’s urgent need to protect and restore intact ecosystems. Scientific research shows the essential role that healthy populations of wild animal, plant, and fungal species play in the world’s carbon cycle.
Read the open letter below!
We encourage you to share this groundbreaking work with your own networks. The official press release can be found here and below you can find sample language to be shared across social media!
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We are excited to announce the collaborative launch of a new initiative: “Animate the Carbon Cycle: Supercharging ecosystem carbon sinks to meet the 1.5C target” – #AnimateTheCarbonCycle initiative. Originated by a group of high-level scientists and experts, by 2023 this initiative will document and reveal the direct impact intact, functional ecosystems can have on the climate crisis. In a joint open letter to COP26 in Glasgow, the group highlights the staggering potential of animating the carbon cycle for reducing climate emergency. @GlobalRewildingAlliance @oneearth @environmentyale @gridarendal @RewildingArgentina @re:wild @IUCN #generationrestoration #rewild #animatethecarboncycle
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NEW INITIATIVE by high-level scientists & experts to reveal positive impacts of intact, functional ecosystems. #AnimateTheCarbonCycle letter has been signed for COP26. @globalrewilding @oneearth @YaleEnvironment @GRIDArendal @RewildingArg @rewild @IUCN
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