We are busy rewilding the planet

The Global Rewilding Alliance is a network of 160 organisations (November 2023). Our vision is a world where restored wild lands and seas provide a secure future for people, nature and the planet. The global community has pledged to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and seas by 2030 – also known as 30 by 30. To achieve this goal, we need to put nature in the driver’s seat.

Rewilding is a fundamental shift in our relationship with nature. It is a movement for the benefit of all life on earth; bringing back key animal species regenerates ecosystems and enhances the services we all depend on to thrive – from clean water to fresh air and thriving landscapes

Since 2021, our alliance partners have influenced the rewilding of more than 2,000,000 square km of land and sea in more than 120 countries around the world.

Alliance Partners (and growing)

Countries involved

Million hectares
Three percent of the planet is wild in 2023 graphic
rewilding arrow pointing right
rewilding arrow pointing down
Thirty percent of the planet to be wild by 2030 graphic

Our mission

The Global Rewilding Alliance is here to build and support the global rewilding movement. We are mobilising the power of people working together to rewild the Earth.

Our mission is to mainstream rewilding in science, policy and practice by 2030. We’re a good way there already!

Our approach

Rewilding is a fundamental shift in our relationship with nature. It is a movement for the benefit of all life on Earth.

We are showing how rewilding is practical, credible and economically viable as well as beautiful and inspiring. We convene high-quality science, influence global policy and encourage decision-makers everywhere to get involved.

Our work is grounded in the 12 “Principles for Rewilding“.

giraffes running with zebras

We use a 4 step approach


We Gather Evidence

Safeguarding biodiversity is an essential act to sustain life as we know it. We advance the rewilding movement with world-class science, evidence, and ideas proving that rewilding needs to be at the centre of environmental policy and action.


We Advocate For Change

Based on our strong scientific evidence and increased public support, we influence policy and call for the restoration of wildlife populations to be included as a key nature-based solution.


We Inspire Communities

We raise awareness on rewilding and share practical hope for everyone. We invite people everywhere to understand rewilding and to participate in this inspiring movement.


We Accelerate Rewilders’ Journeys

We build partnerships with organisations and local communities to create the movement for rewilding and ecological restoration. We support our Alliance Partners by helping them connect to one another, learn from each other and work together towards shared goals.

Which feeds back into the first stage, gathering evidence to advance the rewilding movement. And so the cycle continues.

Rewilding around the world

Rewilding Timeline

Mid 19th century

Henry David Thoreau & John Muir advocate for preserving wilderness areas in response to rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, leading to environmental degradation.


World’s first National Park in Yellowstone, USA officially starting the conservation movement.


Royal Society for the Protection of Birds marks the beginning of the organised conservation movement in the UK.

Late 1980s

The term "Rewilding" is shared by conservationists Michael Soulé & Reed Noss. The idea of trophic cascades emerges: predators and large grazers have cascading effects on ecosystems, helping to maintain balance.

Early 2000s

Rewilding gains traction as a holistic approach to conservation: larger core areas, corridors between them + reintroducing key species starts restoring whole ecosystems.


The Global Rewilding Alliance is founded by Vance Martin, Karl Wagner and Magnus Sylvén with support from the WILD Foundation, Re:wild and the signatories to the Charter for Rewilding the Earth.


Based on an idea by Jan Stannard, Chair of our Alliance Partner Heal Rewilding, the first World Rewilding Day took place on March 20th 2021. Now it is a successful yearly event. Mark your calendar to join us on March 20th next year!


In 2023 we grew the Alliance from 120 to 160 Alliance Partners, a growth of 33% and with one new Partner joining most weeks. Our target is to have 30% of the planet’s land and seas protected and in the process of being rewilded by 2030.


On World Rewilding Day, March 20th 2024, the Global Rewilding Alliance launched it’s Collective Impact Report, the world’s first attempt to summarise the collective impact of the global rewilding movement.


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